NIKE | FE/NOM Flyknit Sports Bra Director’s Cut

FE/NOM Flyknit Sports Bra – Director’s Cut Nike Client Nike Director Ben Masson Music Arjuna Kohlstock My Role Art Direction, Animation, FX Overview VHS nostalgia and animated hand-drawn glitches for this fast paced ad. Less is more …on most occasions. This time, however, we cranked up the volume to 11 to fully unleash the Fe/Nom […]

ELECTRIC LIGHT STUDIOS | Jacob Collier’s 2024 Tour Trailer

O2 Show and European Tour Trailer Jacob Collier Client Jacob Collier Director Dan Massie Agency Electric Light Studios My Role 2D Animation, VFX An incredibly tight turnaround on this fun and quirky project, to announce Jacob Collier’s O2 show and European tour. Working on animated sketches for such a cool multi instrumentalist artist has been […]

INSTAGRAM | Create Don’t Hate

Create Don’t Hate Instagram Client Instagram Agency No. 8 London My Role Motion Design, Compositing Instagram aspires to create a welcoming community where everyone feels secure and supported, and “Create Don’t Hate” is a message of empowerment from the community to support this campaign.


Mr Duck FedUP Studio Lab Creative Director / Illustrator Sara Mutande Production / 2D Animation Federico (Fred) Parodi Soundtrack Ascari Overview Mr. Duck is sad because his home has been destroyed. One day, he finds a seed that generated new life, bringing different creatures closer together. SOFTWARE: Photoshop, After Effects Brief We approached Sara after […]

SKY | Bring Home

Bring Home Sky TV Client Sky Creative Director Ploy Boal My Role Motion Design, VFX, Compositing Social media campaign showcasing the immersive experience and the wide range of the Sky TV offer, with the help of user-generated reaction videos, blended with extra VFX. Breakdown Forty influencers filmed themselves in their homes, appearing like they were […]

40 Years of The Shining

40 Years of The Shining Personal Project My Role 3D Animation, Compositing #theshining #dannytorrance #tricycle #3d #redrum #c4d #stanleykubrick #cultmovie #3dmodeling #lowpoly